Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chemical Slurry Is Everywhere

After unloading today's grocery haul and putting nearly everything away, I realized just how much unused and old stuff was in my bathroom cabinets, baskets, and Caboodle (yes, I still have it.  My grandmother bought it for me when I was going to camp for the first time at age 10.).  I took a quick inventory and realized that I had not touched over half of the bottles, lotions, and potions in there in over 2 years.

What was I waiting for?  Why had I bought these things in the first place?  Most of the time, the answer was, "Because it smells good and came with the set."  I had used the body wash, hand lotion, lip gloss, and shampoo, but the rest, I would probably never touch.  It was wasted money and I knew it.  The situation was made worse in that some things were so old that they had separated, curdled (I'll bet you didn't know lotion could do that.), or otherwise was no longer usable.

Combined with the information I have read over the past year or so about toxic chemicals and food additives which are perfectly legal and are allowed to be present in our food supply by the FDA and the information about makeup preservatives and fillers I learned at the makeup/makeover party I went to last night, I began to read the labels.

I found the following ingredients included in makeup, lotion, perfume, body glitter, body wash, soap, shampoo, etc.  After each entry, I have included a little information about what the substance is, common uses, and potential negative effects on the human body:

Bismuth (medicinal, treatment for gastric disorders; replacement for lead, used in cosmetics for its iridescence/light refraction):  can cause bismuth poisoning, which affects the kidneys, liver, and bladder.  Skin and respiratory irritation may follow exposure to the respective organs.  As with lead, overexposure to bismuth may result in the formation of a black deposit on the gums, called a bismuth line.

Talc (industrial lubricant, chalk, baby powder, cosmetics):  may cause breathing problems, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and skin cancer.  Approximately 75% of all ovarian tumors contain talc.  The FDA classifies talc as "generally recognized as safe," (GRAS) which is not the same as "safe" in my book.

Propylene Glycol (solvent, humectant, food preservative, key ingredient in electronic cigarettes)  FDA classified as GRAS, can cause asthma, hay fever, eczema, and allergic reactions.  May cause burning and stinging when applied topically. 

BHT (fuel and oil additive, food additive):  may cause ADHD, cancer

Parabens (all forms)  (preservative, bactericide, fungicide, food additive):  Parabens mimic estrogen, which may cause breast cancer;  may cause early puberty in young girls; skin irritation, contact dermatitis, rosacea; reacts with UVB light causing increased skin aging and DNA damage.

Artificial colors (food, drink, fabric, and cosmetic coloring):  derived from coal tar and petroleum, nearly half of all food dyes that have been introduced have since been banned or had their use restricted; can cause ADD, ADHD, hives, thyroid tumors, liver damage, kidney damage, elevated white blood cell count indicating inflammation in the body.

Artificial preservatives (fungicide, bactericide):  respiratory problems, asthma, ADHD,

Ambergris (solid, waxy, flammable grease derived from sperm whale vomit and feces):  although it does not cause any ill effects, knowing that you're putting poop and puke on your skin is enough to turn most people off.

Toluene (industrial solvent, intoxicant):  can cause exhaustion, confusion, weakness, drunk-like behaviors, memory loss, nausea, loss of appetite, and color blindness.

Formaldehyde (embalming fluid):  carcinogenic, can cause drying and cracking of the skin and/or welts

Fragrances:  approximately 95% of the chemicals used in the manufacturing of perfumes, body sprays, and other scented cosmetics contain derivatives of petroleum, which are known to be toxic, can cause cancer, birth defects, asthma, central nervous system disorders, and allergic reactions (including headache and migraine).


I was slathering chemical slurry onto my face and body for decades without caring, knowing, or thinking about what I was doing.  For all I know, I caused some illnesses, made some conditions worse, and wasted a ton of money on poisons.  I feel like such a gullible fool.

Given the results of my reading, recommendations from health-conscious friends, and my own extensive research on these ingredients and how to protect my body, I threw away a white kitchen-size trash bag full of junk products that were probably slowly killing me, making me sick, and making my Psoriasis and asthma worse.  It just occurred to me that I recently started wearing perfume again after a long period of not doing so.  I had noticed that I was getting winded easier and that it took me longer to recover after walking up the long hill from the parking garage to my class at school on the 4th floor.  I started out taking the stairs, but got so winded that I took several minutes to resume a normal breathing pattern and the inability to take a deep breath lasted for up to 2 hours.  It concerned me, but I didn't put two and two together until right now this very instant.  Wow, perfume is horrible for lung function!  Smelling girly and pretty is so not worth me having asthma again.  I was originally diagnosed in 2002 while I was living in Montgomery, AL where several things I am allergic to flourish (Goldenrod, for one).  When I moved out of the state, my asthma vanished.  I no longer needed a rescue inhaler or Advair.

So, I have switched to using Burt's Bees for lotion, facial cleanser, facial moisturizer, lotions, and lip balm.  I use witch hazel for astringent, clean my makeup brushes with a mixture of witch hazel and tea tree oil, and I use Sweet Minerals for all of my makeup needs (except mascara, which they are formulating and will release soon).  Sweet Minerals contains no fillers.  [FYI, ladies, Bare Minerals contains Bismuth, which is water insoluble and the reason why you can't put their eyeshadows on wet for stronger color.]  Also, Sweet Minerals gives back to the local community through sales of eyeshadow colors made for good causes, was founded in Maryland, and is growing very quickly.  Get in on the ground floor and do your face a favor:  try it!  I fell in love from first swirl, tap, and buff.

I sincerely hope that this information at least causes you to read the labels on the products you use.  Please,  be aware of what is in the products you use and consume.  In this life, we only get one body and one lifetime.  So, treat them with respect and do not risk either.

I love you and want you to live as well as you can for as long as you can.

Peace, love, and cupcakes.

Don't Park Like a Douchebag

Today at Safeway, I parked next to the cart corral and made sure that I was well centered and properly parked before I went into the store.  This particular parking lot can be a bit of a death trap, so I wanted to be extra sure I was good before I did my shopping.

When I came back to my car, a black rolling football field (Cadillac or some junk) had parked severely crookedly, was well over the line, and was just far enough away from my back bumper that I could turn sideways and squeeze through to get into my car.  I took a picture so I could show Chris when I got home and prepared to sit in my car until the offending parker came back.  I intended to have a civilized word with this person, regardless of who they may be, to indicate that their parking job had falsely imprisoned me.

Fortunately for me, the person in the space ahead of me returned while I was snapping the photo, backed out, and left before I even realized.  Only when I sat down and cranked the engine did I realize I could just drive straight out.  Hooray for freedom!

If I could have one wish granted, it would be for zero douchebag parkers in the world.  The offenders would nevermore do things such as:
1)  Park crooked
2)  Pull too far forward
3)  Leave their back end sticking out into the flow of traffic
4)  Park in a handicapped space when they are able-bodied
5)  Steal a parking space you were waiting on with your turn signal clearly indicating your intent
6)  Park so close to you that you have no chance of opening your car door
7)  Open their door widely and forcefully without looking or judging the distance, thus denting your car
8)  Failing to judge distance properly such that they sideswipe your car all the way in and/or out of the spot
9)  Other egregious errors I have not yet thought of

So, please, pay it forward and ensure that you are an upright citizen and do your duty to park well each and every time.  I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart in advance (with interest).

Jester Is Getting Older

I love my dog.  I really, really do.  He is a 6 year-old furry little ball of Rat Terrier energy and unconditional love.  Sometimes, when he's really affectionate, he will lick my nose or hand which makes the puppy kisses I receive all the more special.  He is not much of a lap dog unless we're riding in the car, but he will sit next to me and beg to be petted.  Jester is my furry child and I cannot imagine my life without him.  However, it is a very harsh reality that I will most likely outlive my little boy.  *sniffle*  Most little dogs live an average of 13 years.  With our keen attention to his diet, medical needs, happiness, weight, and exercise, we intend to give him the best, longest life we can.  There is precious little we would not do for him.

This morning, my special little guy (thank you, Bobby's World) had his comprehensive exam.  Chris (my DH for those who don't know), dropped Jester off at Banfield in Springfield early this morning while I was sleeping in.  When I woke up and joined Chris in the basement (where we usually hang out), he told me that Jester's favorite Vet Tech was on duty today:  Rose!  Jester loves Rose and Rose is smitten with Jester.  They are a match made in veterinary heaven.  Immediately upon seeing her, Jester scampers over to her and rolls over at her feet all submissive and adorable-like waiting not-so-patiently for his tummy rubs.  It's so cute!

About 4 hours after dropping him off, we got the call that Jester was ready for pick-up.  Also, the girl on the phone told us that Jester has Arthritis in his hips and knees.  We knew he had a floating patella in one back leg, but this was news to us.  My first thought was, "Aw, my poor baby!  He has been in pain and I didn't notice.  I'm a terrible doggy mommy."

When we picked him up, he scampered happily toward us as he always does; super happy to see his rescuers and relieved to have no more poking and prodding on deck for the day.  Hooray!  He is NOT in pain and I didn't notice anything, because there was nothing to notice.  *whew*  Jester has been extra whiny and sleepy, but that's to be expected from his vaccinations and blood draw.  So, really, his diagnosis is just a forewarning and instruction to be more observant for signs of pain, if present.  The vet prescribed him a Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement, which should help and may even reverse some of the damage and improve the range of motion in his back legs.

Right now, my little monkey is passed out at the foot of my bed, content and happy to be at home in mommy's bed.  "Sweet dreams, booboo."

ADDENDUM:  Our vet estimates Jester to be about 7 years old as of 3/3/13.