I love my dog. I really, really do. He is a 6 year-old furry little ball of Rat Terrier energy and unconditional love. Sometimes, when he's really affectionate, he will lick my nose or hand which makes the puppy kisses I receive all the more special. He is not much of a lap dog unless we're riding in the car, but he will sit next to me and beg to be petted. Jester is my furry child and I cannot imagine my life without him. However, it is a very harsh reality that I will most likely outlive my little boy. *sniffle* Most little dogs live an average of 13 years. With our keen attention to his diet, medical needs, happiness, weight, and exercise, we intend to give him the best, longest life we can. There is precious little we would not do for him.
This morning, my special little guy (thank you, Bobby's World) had his comprehensive exam. Chris (my DH for those who don't know), dropped Jester off at Banfield in Springfield early this morning while I was sleeping in. When I woke up and joined Chris in the basement (where we usually hang out), he told me that Jester's favorite Vet Tech was on duty today: Rose! Jester loves Rose and Rose is smitten with Jester. They are a match made in veterinary heaven. Immediately upon seeing her, Jester scampers over to her and rolls over at her feet all submissive and adorable-like waiting not-so-patiently for his tummy rubs. It's so cute!
About 4 hours after dropping him off, we got the call that Jester was ready for pick-up. Also, the girl on the phone told us that Jester has Arthritis in his hips and knees. We knew he had a floating patella in one back leg, but this was news to us. My first thought was, "Aw, my poor baby! He has been in pain and I didn't notice. I'm a terrible doggy mommy."
When we picked him up, he scampered happily toward us as he always does; super happy to see his rescuers and relieved to have no more poking and prodding on deck for the day. Hooray! He is NOT in pain and I didn't notice anything, because there was nothing to notice. *whew* Jester has been extra whiny and sleepy, but that's to be expected from his vaccinations and blood draw. So, really, his diagnosis is just a forewarning and instruction to be more observant for signs of pain, if present. The vet prescribed him a Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement, which should help and may even reverse some of the damage and improve the range of motion in his back legs.
Right now, my little monkey is passed out at the foot of my bed, content and happy to be at home in mommy's bed. "Sweet dreams, booboo."
ADDENDUM: Our vet estimates Jester to be about 7 years old as of 3/3/13.
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